Hablaré sobre cuando era niño, me llamo Gustavo, tengo dieciséis
años y mi segundo y tercer nombre es Rodríguez Ramírez, nací el nueve de enero
de Dos mil tres en la ciudad de Puebla. No tengo hermanos, solo tengo primos y
un perro llamado Max, los nombres de mis padres son Rocío y Gustavo y vivo con
ellos en una casa de dos pisos en la misma ciudad actualmente.
Fui al preescolar a los tres años, el nombre del preescolar es
"EL PARAÍSO DE CAPULINA" donde tuve mis primeros amigos y fui uno de
los primeros estudiantes inteligentes de la clase. Esos momentos fueron los más
felíces de mi vida pero yo era un poco tímido para participar y hablar.
Cuando tenía cinco años, aprendí a andar en bicicleta, pero fue difícil practicar hasta que lo pude lograrlo. Además, me gustaba mucho nadar y mis padres decidieron inscribirme a una escuela de natación, inicialmente tenía mucho miedo como para entrar en la piscina, pero los profesores me enseñaron a nadar, alrededor de los diez años, competía en diferentes lugares y en escuelas de natación y las primeras competiciones fueron difíciles para mí, pero mejoré lentamente, hasta que conseguí una victoria y gane muchas medallas y yo era uno de los mejores nadadores de la escuela. Ahora tengo treinta y cinco medallas de oro, plata y bronce.
Así que continué con mi vida normal, cuando tenía seis años
(2009), terminé con el preescolar. Luego ingresé a una escuela primaria muy
pobre llamada "EL CHAMIZAL". La educación de ese nivel en esa escuela
era muy mala, pero afortunadamente tuve algunos profesores que no fueron
groseros conmigo y lograron enseñarme muy bien. En realidad la escuela cambió y
ahora su nivel educativo es el mejor, hay muchos maestros increíbles que
enseñan mejor que antes.
En ese momento terminé con mis estudios a los doce años (2015). Después
de estudiar en la escuela secundaria COLEGIO ESPARZA, no hay muchos estudiantes
pero cada uno de esos estudiantes son especiales, también hay profesores
divertidos en donde viví muchos momentos diferentes y algunos fueron muy
tristes, otros fueron estúpidos y divertidos, viví muchos momentos distintos,
en COLEGIO ESPARZA hay una gran cantidad de artes como (DANZA, CLASE DE
Me gusta mucho el fútbol, porque fue el primer deporte que conocí
después de la natación. Inicialmente no era bueno en ese deporte, pero cuando
pasó el tiempo, encontré mi posición en ese juego, una estupidez, de portero jajaja, pero no estaba jugando mal en esos tiempos, era igual que natación
donde estaba mejorando lentamente hasta que me convertí en uno de los mejores
porteros de la escuela y también en uno de los más guapos.
Es muy bueno en todos los deportes que tienen resistencia y
también es divertido, aunque es una persona poco sociable, pero los profesores
ven que le gusta participar en el aula y con mis amigos.
Por ejemplo: un día estábamos haciendo un proyecto para la CLASE
DE ESPAÑOL, el proyecto estaba a punto de crear una imagen del renacimiento y
la ilustración. Preferimos crear en un cartón que en el papel, no tenía ideas
para crear la imagen, así que un amigo me preguntó que si podía elaborar el
cartón con papel de periódico, pintura y brillo, pensé que podría ser una mala
idea y también para mis amigos, pero decidí decirle que, por supuesto, después
de que termináramos el trabajo y días después.
Los profesores dijeron que este
cartón era increíble y ganamos un diez para nuestra calificación.
Cualquiera que no creyó en la idea de mi amigo, fue increíble y
desde ese momento siempre le creo.
También. Conocí a una persona que también era importante para mí,
ella era mi novia, era mi primera mejor amiga que se conocía en la escuela,
hablamos mucho por teléfono celular, me gustaba pasar mucho tiempo con ella,
hasta que un día Decidí preguntarle si quería ser mi novia. Dijo que sí y yo le
regalé flores con un chocolate y un beso. Ese momento fue el mejor de mi vida.
Tenemos cinco meses juntos, pero por problemas. Sus amigos, decidimos terminar
con eso, y en realidad mantenemos una amistad normal. Ahora tengo dieciséis
Cuando terminé mis estudios en la escuela secundaria (2018),
decidí quedarme en esa escuela bachillerato en COLEGIO ESPARZA, me gustó mucho
esta escuela, en realidad, practico otro deporte como el boxeo y también
estudio inglés. y me siento bien con mi vida con mis amigos, maestros y mi
familia, pensé que tampoco puedo desear que un buen chico con todas las
personas se quede muy bien con Dios y mi futuro.
I will talk about my past life and when i was a kid, Ok My name's
Gustavo, I’m sixteen years old, My second and third names, Rodríguez Ramírez, I
Was Born a January nine of Two Thousand three, in Puebla City, I have not
brothers, Only I've Cousins and a Dog called Max ,my parents' names Rocio and
Gustavo,I live with them in an house with two floors at present,
When I had five years old, I learned to ride by bike but, it was
hard to practice until I could achieve it, also, I liked swim a lot and my
parents decided get in a swimming school, Initially I had too scary to enter on
the swimming pool, but the teachers taught me how to swim, around of ten years
old, I was competing in different places and swimming schools, the first
competitions were difficult for me, but I was improving slowly, until that I
get win a lots of medals and I were one of the best swimmers of the school ,
Now I have a thirty five medals of gold, silver and bronze.
So. I continued with my normal life,When I had six years old
(2009), I concluded with the preschool. Then, I enter to very poor primary
school called “EL CHAMIZAL”, The level’s education of that school were very
bad, but fortunately I had some theachers that them weren’t rude with me and they
managed to teach me very well. Actually, the school changed and now, Its level
of education is the best, there are many incredible teachers that teach best
that before.
At that time, I concluded with my studies at twelve years old
(2015), Afther I was studying to high school called COLEGIO ESPARZA, there
aren´t much students, but each of those
students are specials, also, There are
funny theachers i lived many different moments, some it were very sad, others
it were stupid and funny, I lived many different moments, some it were very
sad, others it were stupid and funny, There are manysort of art at COLEGIO
ESPARZA sort of art in that school like (DANCE, PAINT CLASS, CHESS CHALLENGES,
I like the futboll soccer a lot, because its were the first sport
that I met afther of the swim, Initially I weren’t very well in that sport,
but, when passed the time, I found my possition in that game, a stupid goalie
hahaha, but I weren’t so bad playing in those times, it were equal that the
swimming, I was improving slowly, until that I became one of the best
goalkeepers in the school and also a of the more handsome.
When I between to the first grade, I was feeling strange and I
don’t adapt, the theachers were very demanding, but I met a person that
now he’s my first best male friend, The most part of my life were that I
enjoyed playing with him, He was with me always and working too, We’ve great
moments and we keep going.
He's very good in all the sports that are of resistence and he is
funny too, although he's a little Sociable person, but the theachers are see
that like participes him in the classroom and with my friends.
For example: One day we were doing a project to the SPANISH CLASS,
the Project was about to create a picture of the renaissance and
illustration, We prefer create on cardboard that to paper, I didn’t have ideas
to créate the picture so my friend asked me that If can he elaborate the
cardboard with newpaper, paint and glitter , I thinked that could be it a bad
idea and my friends too, but I decided to tell him that of course, Afther we
finished the work and days later, the teachers said that this cardboard was
incredible and we winner a ten to our qualification
Anyone not believed in my friend’s idea but it was incredible and
from that moment I always believe him.
When I did finished my studies in high school (2018), I decided
stay in that high school 2 in COLEGIO ESPARZA, I liked this school a lot, Actually,
I’m practing other sport like boxing and I’m studying english too, and I feel
good with my life with mi friends, theachers and my family, I thinked that
also I cant will a good boy with all people to stay very well with god
and my future.
Me llamo Carlos Antonio González González, tengo 15 años nací en
Puebla del 5 de mayo del
Mi padre se llama Raymundo Soledad y mi mamá
Irany Alfaro.
Tengo una hermana llamada Camila y un hermano llamado
Mis padres me cuentan que cuando era muy pequeño casi
nadie me quería cargar porque lloraba a cada rato, un día mi tío me tiro por
accidente porque al llorar siempre me movía. A mis 6 meses no era tan
consentido como mi hermano Raymundo porque era el primer hijo, primer nieto y
primer sobrino; lo sé porque veo las fotos antiguas y en el fondo veo muchísimos regalos.
Al entrar a la secundaria me di cuenta que ya nada es lo mismo, ya
tienes menos tiempo de ver la tele, salir, sino estar siempre haciendo tareas,
1ro de secundaria fue duro porque todavía tenía la mentalidad de
primaria, pensaba que era lo mismo (menos tareas, no tener
preocupaciones) pero no fue así, saque malas calificaciones porque
estaba en la época de rebeldía, no obedeciendo a mis papás. A mis 13 años me
detectaron crisis nerviosa, me di cuenta porque siempre soñaba cosas extrañas y
al despertarme era muy diferente, muy hiperactivo, mi mamá se empezó a
preocupar y me llevo al médico y le conté lo que soñaba, después me llevaron
una clínica especialista en tratado de mi problema, y ahí fue donde me
detectaron mi enfermedad, me dieron unas pastillas lo cual las sigo tomando (el
tratamiento es de 6-8 años) porque cuando este más grande tendré severos
problemas de migraña y estrés.
En 3ro de Secundaria se me facilito porque ya no
se me hacía pesado la escuela, al contrario le echaba ganas a la escuela porque
ya quería formarme en algo bien, tener mi vida controlada, ya no quería
problemas, sacaba buenas calificaciones. Uno de mis peores momentos en 3ro de
secundaria fue al final del ciclo escolar cuando era una obra de teatro en el
salón, el que mejor lo hacía tenía +1 punto, al tener esa presión me puse muy
nervioso junto con mi equipo y tuvimos muchos problemas al presentar la obra,
fui uno de los mayores responsables de la obra por la desastrosa presentación, se
me había olvidado el guion, al final el otro equipo tuvo el punto. También fue
triste porque ya no iba a estar con mis amigos los cuales los considero como
En ese mismo año (2018) viaje a Guerrero con mi mamá, abuela y mi
hermano a un evento del trabajo de mi mamá, me la pase súper bien, conocí a
actrices y cantantes, y además a mi mamá le dieron un reconocimiento por su
gran desempeño como distribuidora.
Entre al Esparza Centro (Bachillerato), no se me
dificulto encontrar a mis amigos porque en el primer día ya me estaban
hablando, aunque tenía pena poco a poco fui agarrando la confianza necesaria
para tener una buena comunicación con ellos, y hasta ahora no he tenido ninguna
dificultad con alguno de ellos.
En esta vida tan corta que he tenido he
aprendido varias cosas, muchas experiencias buenas y malas, he corregido
errores y he aprendido de ello. Estoy muy agradecido de todas esas personas que
me apoyaron y que me han ayudado en mi desarrollo personal, tengo muchos
proyectos en mi futuro y primeramente Dios lo quiero lograr, aunque mi vida no
es tan interesante espero y que esto te sirva de apoyo a nunca rendirte a pesar
de lo malo, siempre pensar en positivo.
name is Carlos Antonio González González, I am 15 years old I was born in
Puebla on May 5, 2003.
father´s name is Raymundo Soledad and my mother´s Irany Alfaro. I have a sister
named Camila and a brother named Ray.
My parents tell me that
when I was very little, almost nobody wanted to carry me because I cried every
so often, one day my uncle accidentally shot me because when I cried I always
moved, at 6 months old I was not as spoiled as my brother Raymundo because he
was the First child, first grandchild and first nephew, I know it because I see
the old photos and in the background I see many gifts.
After 1 year living in Puebla I went to Chiapas with all my
family (Dad, mom and my brother). It was not so difficult to find a house and a
job because my grandfather Carlos gave my parents home and work, we lived in
the center and also the work was in the center. When I was 2 years old my
parents took me to the nursery along with my cousins, I do not remember very
well the nursery but the only thing I remember is that as the nursery was near
the park they always took us to play swings, hidden, etc ... either at leave
the nursery or rest (recess). It did not make me sad because kindergarten was
very fun they put us to draw, to play. To my 3 or 4 years between kindergarten
and at the beginning if I cried for my parents because my cousins were no
longer there and I felt lonely because I did not know anyone, in the course of
time I got together with friends and I did not cry for my parents, By the way,
most of my friends in kindergarten are still with them. After being 3 years in
kindergarten between elementary school it was not so hard to enter because I
was sad to mourn, in 1st grade there was a soccer tournament at school, they
did it because at that time there was the World Cup in South Africa 2010, was
one of my most beautiful moments because it was something super special because
I played with all my friends and also because we beat the 2nd grade. I did not
have many memories of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. In 5th year of primary school I had my
first girlfriend, I was very excited, she was 1 year old, only lasted 2 months
with her because I was going to enter high school, I was very sad but good, it
was a disadvantage because of so much that he was excited he did not pay
attention, he did not do homework. In 6th grade, it was the best cycle because
I already had better grades, and I went to my first trip out of Chiapas and
Puebla, 1 month of pure knowledge of towns, and cities, I won my first
individual trophy (top scorer of the "Interprimary" tournament) ).
During my stay in primary school I realized that it is not necessary to have
everything to be happy and have a good time, it is not just being locked up in
the house but going out to play with your friends, going to the park, and
despite bad times you have to see the positive side, not everything is to go
out and play but to know your obligations as a son and a student, learn from
others and from you, learn your mistakes.
When I entered high school
I realized that nothing is the same, you have less time to watch TV, to leave,
but to always be doing homework, projects, 1st high school was hard because I
still had the primary mentality, I thought it was the same (less tasks, not
having worries) but it was not like that, I got bad grades because I was in the
time of rebellion, not obeying my parents. When I was 13, I was detected
nervous breakdown, I realized because I always dreamed strange things and when
I woke up it was very different, very hyperactive, my mom started to worry and
I took the doctor and told her what I dreamed, then they took me to a clinic specialist
in dealing with my problem, and that's where my disease was detected, they
gave me some pills which I keep taking them (the treatment is 6-8 years old)
because when I grow up I will have severe migraine and stress problems.
2nd year of secondary school I went back to Puebla because the time and time
was approximately 3 to 4 months, my parents decided that I would live in
Puebla, enter Esparza Chapulco and accept, after living
in Puebla I already
know with my dad and my dad. Every time you have to talk to my dad, he always
talks to you and my mother wants to return to Chiapas, I pass the time and you
already had a girlfriend after 2 or 3 years without a girlfriend, I met my
friends and everything was calm. When December arrived my mother offered me that
I would like to return to Chiapas and I myself rejected because I already had a
girlfriend in Puebla. Step 1 month and it was over, things were
complicated again with my dad, but I did not like my mom because you already
knew that my mom was going to say no, little by little I have given the same
account the scolding because I had become used to it, my dad is very peaceful
but when he gets angry he gets strict.
In 3rd year of
Secondary school, I got better because school no longer made me heavy, on the
contrary, I wanted to go to school because I wanted to learn something well, to
have a controlled life, I did not want problems, I got good grades. One of my
worst moments in 3rd year of high school was at the end of the school year when
it was a play in the classroom, the one that did it the best was +1 point,
having that pressure made me very nervous along with my team and we had many
problems in presenting the work, I was one of the biggest responsible for
the work because of the disastrous presentation, I had forgotten the script, in
the end the other team had the point. It was also sad because I was not going
to be with my friends, who I consider as brothers. In that same year (2018) I
traveled to Guerrero with my mother, grandmother and my brother to an event at
my mom's job, I had a great time, I met actresses and singers, and also my mom
was recognized for her great performance as a distributor.
In this short
life that I have had I have learned several things, many good and bad
experiences, I have corrected mistakes and I have learned from it. I am very
grateful for all those people who supported me and who have helped me in my
personal development, I have many projects in my future and first of all I want
to achieve it, although my life is not so interesting I hope that this will
help you never Surrender despite the bad, always think positive.
Hola mi
nombre es Jennifer Morales Meza tengo 15 nací en Tijuana Baja
California aunque mi mama diga que no después de mi nacimiento mi mamá
decidió venirme a registrar a puebla y ahí fue donde comencé a
vivir épocas de mi vida y esas épocas eran de las más importantes para mí y que
marcaron por completo un lugar de mi corazón en ese entonces mis papas
estaban juntos viendo la vida junto a mi hermano Marcos Morales que es el mayor
y mi hermana Cecilia Marlene que es la menor esas dos personas marcaron mi vida
por completo y que me hicieron la persona más feliz y eso me dio gracias y más ganas
para tener una motivación y uno de los motivos por os q mi mama no quiere
aceptar mi nacimiento en ese lugar fue por causa a que en ese entonces mi mama
no tenía buena comunicación o no se llevaba tan bien con la familia de mi papa
y por no quería que yo fuera parte de ello pero pues no me puedo quejar
el tiempo en que mis papas estuvieron casados y estábamos en familia
muy felices fueron momentos inolvidables ,después mis papas comenzaron a tener
conflictos pero aun así seguían casados y juntos luego de un tiempo
avía demasiadas peleas y eso hacía que pues mis hermanos y yo no nos
sintiéramos felices como cuando la familia estaba unida pero bueno les voy a
contar de mis escuelas recuerdo que la primera escuela que pise se
llamaba kasperline en esa escuela me enseñaron cosas
maravillosas por primera vez fui reina de la primavera y eso era increíble en
esa época viaje por primera vez en avión y fue una aventura sorprendente
y fue mejor porque todo eso fue a lado de las personas que más amo.
trabajar y pues también estudiábamos esas épocas fueron de lo mejor éramos de lo más fiesteros súper trabajadores pero también estudiábamos mi primo y yo crecimos como si fuéramos hermanos toda la gente nos confundía y nos decían q por q tan jóvenes vivíamos juntos pensando que no éramos primos o más bien hermanos y pues yo era parte de un equipo de fútbol deje de jugar Poe que a mi papa no le parecía q yo jugara eso y pues comencé a jugar voly era la niña más atlética fiestera y dedicada q puede ave pero después comencé a cambiar por q me di cuenta que no todo era trabajo y deporte y pues en mayor parte me equivoque porque pues comenzó a hacer cosas que no eran tan buenas y me volví la persona más rebelde.
metida tantos problemas que después no sabia como salir de ellos en mi vida ay
momentos increíbles y momentos desgarradores que con solo recordarlos es de lo
peor pero pues en la vida siempre ay que recordar lo positivo y pues de pasar
todo eso me di cuenta que la vida no es nada fácil que va a ave cosas
increíbles con tu familia con amigos pero también va a haber momentos súper
aterradores que no es bueno recordar y sin embargo ay que salir adelante ser
grandes y que pase lo que pase ay que querernos a nosotros mismos olvidar el
pasado vivir el presente y cumplir tus sueños y comenzar a ser feliz y si
piensas que no eres feliz ponerte.
name is Jennifer Morales Meza I am 15 I was born in Tijuana Baja California
even though my mom says no after my birth my mom decided to come and register
me in Puebla and that's where I began to live times of my life and those times
were of the most important for me and that completely marked a place in my
heart at that time my parents were together seeing life with my brother Marcos
Morales who is the oldest and my sister Cecilia Marlene who is the youngest
those two people marked my life by complete and that made me the happiest
person and that gave me thanks and more desire to have a motivation and one of
the reasons why my mom does not want to accept my birth in that place was
because my mother did not I had good communication or did not get along so well
with my father's family and because he did not want me to be part of it but I
could not complain about the time my parents were married and we were very
happy family They were unforgettable moments, then my parents started to have
conflicts but still they were still married and together after a while they
still had too many fights and that's why my brothers and I did not feel happy
as when the family was united but I'll tell you from my schools I remember that
the first school I stepped on was called kasperline in that school they taught
me wonderful things for the first time I was queen of spring and that was
amazing at that time I traveled by plane for the first time and it was a
surprising adventure and it was better that all that was on the side of the
people I love the most.
I went to
high school and things got worse because I got
worse than in elementary school.
I became rebellious. I wanted to do what I wanted was a relaxation that was
popular and that made me feel more entitled to take a break but I was wrong
because things instead of improving every degree that I was advancing worsened
and something happened.
I returned
to Tijuana and I was living with my beautiful dad after I started growing up
and my dad told me that I had to
have more privacy I went to a house for my solita and the next thing that happened was that an amazing person came to my life and that person was my clear good cousin after my brothers who are also what I love but my cousin came with me to live and make me the happiest girl in the world and that's when my life began to change when I was younger and was with my mom I was a girl athlete and because I liked taekwondo and because I became a black band I loved the fut and my cousin came up with a mega idea to be more independent and that was to teach taekwondo we started working and then we also studied those times were the best we were the most partying super workers but we also studied my cousin and I grew as if we were brothers all the people confused us and they told us that so young we lived together thinking that we were not cousins or rather brothers and I was part of a football team stop playing Poe that my dad did not think I would play that and then I started playing voly was the most athletic girl party and dedicated q can bird but then I began to change why I realized that not everything was work and sport and then I was wrong because I started doing things that were not so good and I became the most rebellious person.
bachiller en el colegio para mi es un buen colegio te enseñan muchos valores y te dan una fe muy buena me gustaría estudiar medicina o ingeniera automotriz , me gusta mucho convivir con mi familia casi nos reunimos la familia a diario lo cual es muy padre por que compartes muchas cosas con la familia , una de las peores experiencias de mi vida fue que el 19 de septiembre del 2017 sucedió un terremoto en México donde hubo mucha gente muerte fue algo devastador donde la verdad sentí que iba a morir fue algo horrible espero que nunca vuelva a suceder , me gustan mucho las mascotas pero siento que no soy capaz de darle la vida que se merece a un animalito y por ese motivo no tengo mascota actualmente convivo muchas veces con mis abuelos.
Me gusta mucho montar caballo y salir al campo algo que
hacemos muy seguido con mi familia es algo muy padre estar en el campo ahí
comprendo que la naturaleza es algo muy bonito y espero y tengas muchas
aventuras por delante.
For me a good school teaches you many values and gives you a faith very good I would like to study medicine or automotive engineering, I like to live with my family almost we meet the family daily what is very father why you share many things with the family, one of the worst experiences of my life was like the 19 September 2017 an earthquake happened in Mexico where there were many people, death, something, devastating, where the truth, that was, that, sometimes, no, no, I am not able to give you the life you deserve a animal and for that reason I do not have a pet I currently live with my grandparents many times.
really like to ride a horse and go out to the country. Something we do very
often with my family is something very important to be in the country. I
understand that nature is something very beautiful and I hope and have many
adventures ahead
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